SaNCA Membership and User Management
How Sanca Members are organized
Sanca Members are managed as wordpress users in the category ‘SaNCA member’ . This is the primary, authoritative SaNCA membership list. Other user categories are ‘Admin’ and ‘SaNCA board member’. User categories can be overlapping. The public may also subscribe to receive notifications of new posts. These subscribers are not wordpress users, and are manged seperately.
Sanca members may sign in to the wordpress site with their email address to view minutes and other content restricted to members. Board Members may also sign in and have access to board documents.
Managing Users
- To add/edit/manage/approve user/members, login to the website and click the Users menu on the WP dashboard. Alternatively, if you just want to add a member or user, you can click on new in the admin bar and add new user.
Click on the Add New button to create a new user.
Ensure to add in the important details of the user such as:
- Username
- First name
- Last name
- Email address and
- Password
- Role and Ultimate Member Role*
*You can assign the users role in the Role section
Click on the Add New User button to save the new users information and user role.
- To edit/approve/update a users/members details and user role, hover over the user you would like to and select the Edit option.
The Edit page allows you to change/update the users details and user role/access if you have the assigned access to do so ie administrator access.
Include the users details such as Address, Phone, Membership Related Notes and General Notes in the User Notes section.
Click on the Update User button to save the changes.
Changing user Roles
- To edit/approve/delete a user’s information, hover over the user you would like to and select the Edit option.
The Edit page allows you to change/update the users details and user role/access if you have the assigned access to i.e. administrator.
Select the Role dropdown menu to change/assign a role to the user
Exporting Membership List
You may wish to export a member list to have a hardcopy or to import into an excell worksheet. To export users/members list using the WebToffee Import Export plugin. Click on the Export menu and follow the 5 steps to export the user list in an excel format.
Managing Subscribers
Subscribers receive notifications on new posts, and may sign up with just their email. They are managed through the MailPoet wordpress plugin.
Viewing Subscribers
Click on Mailpoet > Subscribers to view all subscribers.
Editing/Deleting Subscribers
Select the checkbox beside the subscriber to view options to Edit or Delete the user.
Select the users you would like to edit to view the editing page to be able to update the subscriber’s information.