Area I Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Review
The RDCK is updating the community plan bylaw and zoning bylaw for area I including Shoreacres.
Information regarding this process can be found at: The RDCK area I Community Plan Review site.
SaNCA will be working to facilitate resident participation in the plan by disseminating information, and working with both residents and the RDCK throughout the planning process.
The Regional District has launched a Community Land Use Survey for residents and property owners of Electoral Area I. A mailed copy will be sent to all property owners in the area and additional copies can be mailed or sent upon request for additional household members and/or rental occupants and tenants. Responses can also be submitted electronically using the following link: ELECTORAL AREA I COMMUNITY LAND USE SURVEY.
Responses may be submitted until SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2016. This deadline has been extended to encourage broader participation and response.
Information and background pertaining to the community that may assist in response can be found here:
The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has initiated the review and update of the Electoral Area ‘I’ portion of the Kootenay-Columbia Rivers Official Community Plan (1996) and RDCK Zoning Bylaw No. 1675 (2004). A community plan is legislated to be reviewed every five years. In rural areas, where the rate of change is not as great as in more urbanized settings, community plans may not be reviewed for seven to ten years (or longer depending on identified need), after they are first developed. The intent of the community plan review is the development of a Comprehensive Land Use Bylaw (CLUB) which will incorporate elements of an Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw for the respective communities within Electoral Area ‘I’.
An OCP bylaw is a general statement of objectives and policies for land use, and for the form and character of future development. This land use bylaw serves as a guide to the RDCK Board, the public, and the development community in decision-making for land use. The OCP bylaw maps identify ‘land use designations’ or types of development that the RDCK Board will consider in certain locations, as well as Development Permit Areas (DPAs) where special guidelines apply. The policies of an OCP are implemented through the Zoning bylaw. The OCP includes:
- Community Vision Statement(s) and Guiding Principles that describe overall community values for the next 10 years or longer;
- Broad Goals grouped under key issues, such as housing, transportation, employment, and the environment;
- General Policies for growth management and OCP designations; including resource area, agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial, administrative, cultural, institutional, parks and conservation areas, hazard lands, temporary commercial and industrial permits, and development permit areas; and
- Implementation that includes refining the plan; adopting new or amended bylaws; conducting studies to obtain more information and future direction; and working closely with community members to ensure compliance.
The RDCK Official Community Plan Template shall provide guidance throughout each phase of the project, contributing policy direction where appropriate. In addition, directives may also be contributed by the RDCK Agricultural Area Plan and the SustainABLE Central Kootenay project.
Zoning is the major tool by which the RDCK regulates the use, size and siting of land and buildings. Land use designations identified on Zoning Bylaw maps are more detailed than those of the OCP Bylaw, and are accompanied by text that outlines a specific range of permitted uses, densities, siting and building form. The purpose of zoning is to provide for the orderly development of the community, and to assist in avoiding conflicts between incompatible land uses. The zoning bylaw includes more specific policy direction in the form of a regulation, and includes:
- Definitions for the interpretation of key components of land use regulation;
- General Regulations which outline various land uses and conditions applicable to the Plan area on a broad scale; and
- Specific Regulations for various land uses and conditions specific to specified areas or zones within the Plan area (including, but not limited to; residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial, resource areas, community services).
An Advisory Planning Commission (APC) is an independent body composed of local residents that act in an advisory capacity with regard to proposed land use bylaws or permits, providing recommendations on such matters to the RDCK Board and staff, as well as the local area director. The following people have been appointed by the RDCK Board to act as the Advisory Planning Commission for Electoral Area I. This Committee will be acting as an important resource throughout the community planning process as a means to assist in keeping RDCK staff and the local area director informed of community based opportunities and issues and assisting in community engagement and outreach.
Andy Ozeroff
Kelly Poznikoff
Brian Bebelman
John Voykin
Area I Advisory Planning Commission – March 30, 2016 Meeting Notes [PDF – 130 KB]
Area I Advisory Planning Commission – June 15, 2016 Meeting Notes [PDF – 117 KB]
Regional District Staff
Meeri Durand, RDCK
Planning Manager Email: 202 Lakeside Drive Box 590 Nelson BC V1L 5R4 Tel: 250.352.8162 Fax: 250.352.9300 Web:
Mitchell King, RDCK
Planner Email: 202 Lakeside Drive Box 590 Nelson BC V1L 5R4 Tel: 250.352.8175 Fax: 250.352.9300 Web:
Eileen Senyk
Planning Technician Email: 202 Lakeside Drive Box 590 Nelson BC V1L 5R4 Tel: 250.352.8190 Fax: 250.352.9300 Web:
Local Area Director
Andy Daviodoff
Electoral Area I Email: Tel: 250.304.8233
Terms of Reference – Electoral Area ‘I’ Comprehensive Land Use Bylaw Review (2016) [PDF – 268 KB
Kootenay – Columbia Rivers Official Community Plan No. 1157 (1996) [PDF – 355 KB]
Regional District of Central Kootenay Zoning Bylaw No. 1675 (2004) [PDF – 778 KB]